Wordpress Website Design

We help create a cutting-edge WordPress website design that seamlessly integrates conversion-focused elements with smart, modern aesthetics, all while ensuring responsiveness across devices. Utilizing innovative techniques, the design will captivate visitors with its sleek and intuitive interface, driving engagement and ultimately boosting conversions.
WE ARE VOXED - Premier website design agency, specialising in bespoke WordPress websites tailored to your needs. With expertise across various industries, we bring your vision to life with creativity and precision. Whether you're a startup or an enterprise, let's create something extraordinary together!
Since 2019, VOXED has led the way in crafting cutting-edge WordPress websites that redefine modernity and sophistication, blending style and functionality to captivate audiences instantly. Our designers, boasting extensive experience in WordPress website development, infuse each project with their expertise, ensuring not just visually stunning designs but also seamless user experiences tailored to our clients' unique needs. From sleek aesthetics to intuitive navigation, every detail is meticulously crafted to leave a lasting impression, reflecting our unwavering dedication to excellence in web design.

At VOXED, we prioritize not only the aesthetic appeal but also the practicality and adaptability of our websites. Our commitment to speed, flexibility, and scalability means that each site not only looks great but also evolves effortlessly alongside your business, keeping pace with the ever-changing digital landscape. With a focus on user-centric design and robust security measures, our WordPress websites not only stand out in terms of visual appeal but also ensure peace of mind, knowing that your digital presence is both secure and optimized for growth.
Voxed excels in creating exquisite, contemporary, and fashionable websites that not only bolster your online presence but also propel your business to flourish and expand in the digital realm. With our expertise, we guarantee that your brand garners attention, attracts clientele, and achieves triumph in today's fiercely competitive market.
In today's digital world, a website's success hinges on its seamless blend of beauty and functionality, especially in catering to mobile users. Acting as the virtual face of any business, it must not only attract visitors but also guide them effortlessly through its content. Responsive design is key, ensuring a smooth experience across all devices. Intuitive navigation and interactive elements further enhance engagement and drive conversions. Leveraging a CMS system like WordPress streamlines the process, empowering businesses to manage their content with ease.

Moreover, accessibility remains paramount in website design, ensuring inclusivity for all users. Clear, concise content and alternative text for images are just a few examples of how design choices can prioritize inclusivity. A well-designed website transcends being a mere digital presence; it becomes a gateway to meaningful connections and opportunities in the online realm, fostering lasting relationships with its audience.
Wordpress Website Design Pricing Packages
Built by our experienced team of Wordpress developer & designers

5 Website Pages

Mobile Responsive & Friendly

2 Hero Slide Design

5 Royalty-free Stock Photos

Contact Form Included

Blog & Article System Included

Cache & Security Included

Google Analytics & Search Included

Google Friendly

2 Revisions Only


10 Website Pages

Mobile Responsive & Friendly

2 Hero Slide Design

10 Royalty-free Stock Photos

Contact Form Included

Blog & Article System Included

Cache & Security Included

Google Analytics & Search Included

Google Friendly

3 Revisions Only

7 Days Website Warranty & Maintenance


20 Website Pages

Mobile Responsive & Friendly

3 Hero Slide Design

20 Royalty-Free Stock Photos

Contact Form Included

Blog & Article System Included

Cache & Security Included

Google Analytics & Search Included

Google Friendly

3 Revisions Only

14 Days Website Warranty & Maintenance


30 Website Pages

Mobile Responsive & Friendly

4 Hero Slide Design

30 Royalty-free Stock Photos

Contact Form Included

Blog & Article System Included

Cache & Security Included

Google Analytics & Search Included

Google Friendly

4 Revisions

28 Days Website Warranty & Maintenance

Worry-less to have your professional WordPress websites ready
Our team will help you build to increase your business online presence and profitability. Hire us now to start!
Modern & Trendy Websites
Modern and trendy websites offer business and brand owners numerous advantages. They captivate visitors with visually appealing designs, ensure a seamless experience across devices, boost search engine visibility, foster customer engagement, and lead to better conversion rates. Owners benefit from these advantages to compete effectively in the digital marketplace and drive sustainable growth.
Responsive & Mobile Friendly
In today's digital era, a responsive and mobile-friendly website is essential for businesses to succeed online. Such websites adapt seamlessly to various devices, ensuring an optimal user experience and improved search engine visibility. At VOXED, we specialize in crafting tailored responsive websites, helping businesses thrive in the competitive digital landscape.
Content Management System (CMS)
WordPress not only offers a user-friendly interface and extensive customization options but also ensures ease of maintenance and client updates post-handover. With its intuitive features and accessible content management system (CMS), clients can effortlessly update their websites without technical expertise. At Voxed, we harness the power of WordPress to deliver websites that are not only visually stunning but also easy to maintain and update for our clients.
Our websites are not only visually appealing but also SEO-ready, ensuring high visibility on search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. With clean code, fast loading times, and mobile responsiveness, our sites rank higher in search results, driving more organic traffic. Featuring optimized meta tags, keyword-rich content, and structured data markup, our websites enhance online visibility, attracting relevant visitors interested in your products or services. With us, you gain a competitive edge in the digital landscape through enhanced SEO performance.
Fast Loading & Optimised
We specialize in crafting fast-loading and properly optimized websites. By prioritizing performance optimization techniques such as image compression and code minification, we ensure swift loading times across all devices. The benefits are clear: improved user satisfaction, reduced bounce rates, and enhanced search engine rankings. With our expertise, you can captivate your audience from the moment they land on your site, leading to increased engagement and conversions in the competitive digital landscape.
Awesome Aftersales
Our support doesn't stop at project completion. We provide ongoing assistance and guidance to our clients, addressing any questions or concerns they may have. Whether it's technical troubleshooting, updates, or advice on enhancements, our dedicated team is here for you. With us, you get more than just a website; you get a reliable partner invested in your success.
Our Recent Works
Our happy clients. We have served multiple sectors and businesses and it could be you !
Our Process
1. Research & Sitemap
Using sitemapping and client research, we pinpoint key business needs and tailor website design to meet them effectively.
2. Data & Asset Collection
We gather data and assets from the client to ensure accurate information presentation and a polished representation of their business.
3. Design & Mockup
We design mockups to match the client's preferences, incorporating data and assets they provide for a seamless user experience.
4. Build & Staging
We proceed by constructing on a staging server, which can be either provided by the client or temporarily set up, ensuring that it fulfills their desire for an interactive website experience akin to the real thing.
5. Backtesting & Enhancement
Prior to going live, we conduct thorough testing for glitches or bugs, refining the website based on our backtesting and incorporating changes according to client feedback and comments.
6. Live
Once everything is finalized, it's time to launch the website. We ensure a smooth transition to going live, and as part of our service, we offer a 7-30 days free maintenance guarantee to address any unforeseen issues or adjustments post-launch.
F.A.Q (Frequently Asked Questions)

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